Use the disk to boot a PC, you will enter the debuging console SAD (Serial Amiga Debuging console), with a prompt like this: SAD(1,-2)> Now type exactly: QT 00000000 don't worry about the space between QT and the eight zeros as this is automatic. The QT command quits a task and the eight zeros point to the SAD, so this command shuts down the debuging console and starts AROS. If you get really confused type HE Now sit back and enjoy native AmigaOS on your PC!!! The SAD Console will be removed when the file system becomes active. To reset the OS (in the event of a crash or just out of interest) press the Ctrl and the 2 windoze keys either side of the space bar (sound familiar?). AROS resets by flushing the memory (leaving the AROS kernel intact) and jumping to the start of the AROS kernel, this means that an AROS Reset is very quick and does not require the black and white text BIOS screen to be displayed. AROS flushes the BIOS after booting so that the CPU can run in 32bit mode.