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Gareth Knight
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Installing Huge Base to your hard drive

Huge Base is very simple to install to hard drive. The simplest way is to follow these instructions using Workbench :-

  1. Drag the entire Huge_Base disk icon onto your hard disk. This will copy the entire contents of the disk to your hard drive.
  2. As you boot from your hard drive, delete these directories from the directory. C, SOUNDSETS, DEVS, LIBS, L and S.
  3. Now create a directory anywhere on your hard disk called SOUNDSETS. It can be called anything you like really, but this is the most obvious.
  4. Copy the contents of the SOUNDSETS directory on your Huge Base disk to the SOUNDSETS directory that you have just created on your hard drive.
  5. Now you must assign the soundsets to your hard drive. Use a suitable text editor and add a line to either your S:startup-sequence or your S:user-startup. The line should read something like this, depending on where your SOUNDSETS directory was created. Assign SOUNDSETS: DH1:SOUNDSETS
  6. Copy the contents of the C: directory on your Huge Base disk to the C: directory on your hard disk boot partition. The files included should have FASTVIEW and PLAY16. You should already have the other C commands on your hard disk.

Huge Base does not need any external libraries or files to operate. But, read the requirements chapter to make sure that Huge Base can operate properly.




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